Sunday, December 2, 2007

Figured I'd do this before Midnight

I'd like to thank everyone that joined today for making this pretty successful. With time, hopefully more people will join and this thing will blow up! You guys have been writing some amazing stuff and I'm glad I actually decided to start this blog up cause I get to read alot of great new writing.

If you know anyone that would want to be a part of this group of degenerates, please feel free to contact me with their email and we will have them join us!

Also, if you are going to post something other then writing; like an idea for the blog, great youtube video link of a writer, etc. please make the font the color of this post so we know whats news and whats writing. I'm sorry if thats an inconvinence, it would just make things alot more organized for everyone!

Thanks again and lets hope tomorrow is an even more eventful day then today.


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