Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A responce to Mr. Noel's Question...

There have been a few nights in my life where I have layed in bed and wondered if I would see the next day. It's a scary thought. I suppose my biggest fear is being forgotten. Did I do anything fantastic in my life? No, not really. I can't say I would have too much to be remembered for. If I could go back, I'm sure there would be a few things I would change. But would I really regret my life? Not at all. I had alot of great experiences and met alot of people that have shaped who I am in one way or another. If tomorrow never came for me, I wouldn't mind so much. I lived, I loved, I experienced life the way I wanted to experience it. I'd like to think I made a difference in a few peoples lives and what more can you ask for? I didn't need money or fame to be happy; just a few good friends, a good woman and lots of great times.


S. Noel said...

i regret things i've done, but i do not regret how i lived my life. i feel every mistake i've made i really have learned from. and all the people i've met along the way that i've formed relationships and friendships with have chipped some wood away to carve what i am today.

Toadie said...

very very very true...

Where the hell did everyone go hahaha. We're the only ones writing on here.